
Monkey Tail Cactus

$25.00 $19.99

Categories: Succulents
Product Description

The Monkey Tail Cactus, scientifically known as Cleistocactus winteri, is a striking plant native to South America. Its unique appearance features long, trailing stems covered in soft, hair-like spines, resembling the tail of a monkey.

With its eye-catching form and low-maintenance care requirements, the Monkey Tail Cactus is an excellent addition to any collection, adding a touch of whimsy to your indoor or outdoor space.

Care Tips: 

Light: Provide bright, indirect sunlight.

Soil: Use well-draining cactus soil mix.

Watering: Allow soil to dry between waterings; water sparingly in winter.

Temperature: Keep warm, avoiding temperatures below 50°F (10°C).

Humidity: Moderate humidity levels are suitable.

*Does not ship with the pot on display, ships with standard nursery pot