
Heuchera Coral Bells Mix

$16.00 $9.99

Product Description

Add a pop of color to your garden with our Heuchera Coral Bells. With a variety of foliage colors, these plants are sure to catch your eye. While they do bloom, the main attraction is their vibrant and diverse leaves. Perfect for adding interest and texture to any landscape.

Special Care Notes:

Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as shredded bark or compost, around the base of your Coral Bells. Mulch helps conserve soil moisture, suppresses weed growth, and insulates the roots during extreme temperatures.

Winter Protection: In colder climates, provide winter protection for your Heuchera Coral Bells by adding an extra layer of mulch around the base of the plants in late fall. Additionally, consider covering them with a layer of evergreen boughs or frost cloth to shield them from harsh winter conditions.

Deadheading: Remove spent flower stalks regularly to encourage continuous blooming and prevent the plant from putting energy into seed production. Deadheading also helps maintain the plant's neat appearance and prolongs the flowering period.

Regular Inspection: Routinely inspect your Heuchera Coral Bells for signs of pests or diseases, such as aphids, slugs, or leaf spot. Early detection allows for prompt treatment, minimizing damage to the plants.

Disease Prevention: To prevent fungal diseases like powdery mildew, ensure good air circulation around your Coral Bells by spacing them adequately and avoiding overcrowding. Water the plants at the base to keep foliage dry, especially during humid weather.

Selective Pruning: Perform selective pruning to remove any leggy or crowded growth and encourage a more compact, bushy habit. Focus on trimming back the outermost stems to promote new growth from the center of the plant.

Container Care: If growing Heuchera Coral Bells in containers, use a high-quality, well-draining potting mix and ensure adequate drainage holes in the container. Water container-grown plants more frequently, as they may dry out faster than those planted in the ground.