
Shasta daisy superbum flowering perennial plant

$20.00 $16.00

Product Description

Introducing the Shasta Daisy Superbum: A Timeless Perennial Marvel

Unveil the beauty of your garden with the timeless elegance of the Shasta Daisy Superbum. Renowned for its classic charm and enduring appeal, this flowering perennial plant is a must-have for any landscape enthusiast.


  1. Abundant Blooms: The Shasta Daisy Superbum delights with its profusion of large, white, daisy-like flowers that bloom from late spring to early autumn, bringing a touch of purity and brightness to your outdoor space.

  2. Hardy Nature: Thriving in a variety of climates and soil conditions, this resilient perennial plant is easy to grow and maintain, making it ideal for both novice and experienced gardeners alike.

  3. Long-lasting Beauty: Enjoy the beauty of the Shasta Daisy Superbum year after year, as it returns with vigor and vitality, spreading its cheerful blooms throughout your garden.

  4. Versatile Landscape Appeal: Whether planted in borders, containers, or as a focal point in your garden bed, the Shasta Daisy Superbum adds a charming allure to any setting, complementing both traditional and contemporary landscapes.

  5. Pollinator Magnet: Bees, butterflies, and other beneficial pollinators are drawn to the nectar-rich blooms of the Shasta Daisy Superbum, creating a thriving ecosystem in your garden.

Care Instructions:

  • Sunlight: Plant in a location that receives full sun to partial shade for optimal flowering.
  • Soil: Well-drained soil is preferred; however, the Shasta Daisy Superbum can tolerate a range of soil types.
  • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the plant's establishment period. Once established, it is drought-tolerant and requires minimal watering.
  • Pruning: Deadhead spent flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming and maintain a tidy appearance.
  • Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer in the spring to promote healthy growth and abundant flowering.


  • Botanical Name: Leucanthemum × superbum
  • Mature Height: 18-36 inches
  • Mature Spread: 12-24 inches
  • Hardiness Zones: 4-9
  • Bloom Time: Late spring to early autumn